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  首頁 > 新聞網> 美國新聞>美眾議員提「武裝台灣法案」 外交部感謝跨黨派相挺
美眾議員提「武裝台灣法案」 外交部感謝跨黨派相挺


[2022-01-22 20:43:23]


美眾議員提「武裝台灣法案」 外交部感謝跨黨派相挺
2022/01/22 21:01
〔記者楊丞彧/台北報導〕繼去年11月美國共和黨籍聯邦參議員霍利(Josh Hawley)提出「武裝台灣法案」後,美國共和黨籍聯邦眾議員蓋拉格(Mike Gallagher-R. Wisconsin)21日也提出眾議院對案版本「武裝台灣法案」,盼藉「台灣安全援助倡議」,自會計年度2023年至2027年,每年度提撥30億美元預算,加速台灣部署不對稱戰力,強化台灣抵禦中國入侵之能力。




Gallagher Introduces Bill to Strengthen Taiwan's Defenses
January 21, 2022 Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As first reported by the Washington Examiner, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) introduced the Arm Taiwan Act, which would strengthen Taiwan’s defenses against a Chinese invasion by allocating $3 billion annually for a new Taiwan Security Assistance Initiative. It would also condition future conventional arms sales on Taiwan’s progress preparing its military and fielding the weapons required to defeat China’s war plans.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping has made unification of Taiwan with the mainland, by force if necessary, a key part of his legacy and the CCP is only growing more aggressive watching the Biden Administration's weakness in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Iran. Congress needs to step up to restore deterrence before it is too late. I am proud to join Senator Hawley in introducing the Arm Taiwan Act to provide Taiwan with the necessary resources and weapons to defeat an attempted invasion," said Rep. Gallagher.

The Arm Taiwan Act does the following:

Tasks the Secretary of Defense to form the Taiwan Security Assistance Initiative and authorizes $3 billion annually for the Initiative for fiscal years 2023 to 2027.
Specifies how funds authorized for the Initiative should be used, with a specific emphasis on providing Taiwan with equipment, training, and other support required to accelerate Taiwan’s deployment of the asymmetric defense capabilities required to delay, degrade, and deny a Chinese invasion against Taiwan.
Conditions provision of assistance under the Initiative on annual certification that Taiwan is matching U.S. investments in its asymmetric defenses, increasing defense spending, acquiring asymmetric defense capabilities as quickly as possible regardless of source, and implementing defense reforms, especially with regard to Taiwan’s reserve forces.
Conditions the future sale, lease, or other provision of conventional weapons by the United States to Taiwan on demonstrated progress by Taiwan toward fielding a credible asymmetric defense.
Senator Josh Hawley introduced companion legislation in the Senate. Click HERE for bill text.
