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Geneva Presbyterian Church


[2022-05-17 03:39:32]


Geneva Presbyterian Church

To our Geneva Church Family, our Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church Family, neighbors, friends and community:
This is a letter that no pastor ever wants to write. I am deeply saddened by a fatal shooting that occurred today, Sunday, May 15, 2022, at a lunch reception honoring former pastor, The Reverend Billy Chang, of the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (ITPC). ITPC is one of our mission partners, a beloved congregation that has shared space with us since 2009. 
Initial reports indicate that one person was killed, and several others were severely injured. We ask all who read this to please keep the leadership and congregation of ITPC in your prayers as they care for those traumatized by this shooting.
The Geneva Church family will support the ITPC congregation through this traumatic experience. We will listen to this community and follow their lead. The Session and staff is requesting that together, we pray for one another and those in our surrounding communities. We’ve all been affected, and we hold our neighbors at ITPC at the center of our prayers.
On this sorrowful day and confident in the resurrection’s victory over death, I remain faithfully yours,
Steven M. Marsh
The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh
Pastor/Head of Staff
Geneva Presbyterian Church
24301 El Toro Rd
Laguna Woods, CA 92637