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  首頁 > 影音網>影音-僑務工作座談-萬人簽署給川普美總統,不宜有中華民國字樣


[taiwanus.net]於2018-04-19 14:04:04上傳[]


Secretary of Health and Human Services 
Alex M. Azar ll

HHS Headquarters
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201

Acting Secretary of State
John Sullivan

Harry S Truman Building
2201 C Street Northwest, Washington, D. C., U.S.

Subject: Dear All : This mail can be used and altered to fit your need

會員國! 大家努力自已的國家自己救,加入國際社會!


Dear secretary of Health Minister:

 We are writing to support for Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization(WHO). We are genuinely concerned about the Lack of representation of Taiwan in the WHO.

This year World Health Assembly (WHA) Meeting will be held on May 21. As usual, we will have a protest demonstration on Sunday May 20 at the streets of Geneva on behalf of Taiwan's bid to enter the WHO.
As a founding member of the WHO,Taiwan has made great contributions to the organization's objectives,especially in tropical medicine. Since 1972, Taiwan's health officials and medical professionals have been denied direct official contact with the WHO even in cases of emergency such as the SARS epidemic in 2003. Last year under China objection ,Taiwan again was not invited to attend WHA meeting.

Pandemics do not discriminate,nor do they know national boundaries.Taiwan has 23,5 million citizens and more than half million foreign nationals.Taiwan serves not only as an important hub of international human and cargo traffic,but also as a transit stopover of some 350 species of migratory birds. By excluding Taiwan from WHO, a gap has been created in the global health network. In addition,since 1995 Taiwan's successful experience in single payer system definitely can be shared in today's world health climate.
Most of us are inspired into healthcare field with passion and compassion to health for all.  And our dream is to heal the sickness and promote the health of the world.  We can not allow our dream to become a nightmare when safety net is broken as Taiwan is excluded from join WHO where creates dangerous health risk in world fair.
WHO is not a political organization nor does its member have veto power. Its highest principles and purposes as " Health for All" should include anyone to participate in world health affair since we firmly believe health care is universal basic human right. We sincerely ask for your help and support in Taiwan bid in coming WHA. 

Your Truly,

Jung Tsai,MD,FACS
Chairman of  General Surgery, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital at Rahway  New Jersey 



因聯合國&美日等國 已早以"2758條款"不承認其國際地位;美國30年前已以"台灣關係法:台灣稱國名"



2018年4月21日下午3時 由文教中心、北美台灣人醫師協會紐約分會、海外台灣青年陣線共同舉辦「推動台灣參與WHO專題演講座談會」  。

原定於 Wework Time Square  改到  The Lounge at Soho (173 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10013)




173 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10013


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地點:紐約華僑文教服務中心大禮堂(133-32 41st Road, Flushing, NY 11355)




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