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  首頁 > 影音網> CNN:國務院已要求美軍派陸戰隊進駐AIT


[臺澎建國-內湖�]於2018-06-29 16:06:34上傳[]


CH 1




Exclusive: State Department risks China's ire with request for US Marines in Taiwan


(CNN Original 原文)


2018-06-29 20:39



《CNN》今天(29日)報導,美方官員提到,早在數週前就已接到國務院提出將「陸戰隊使館警衛隊」派駐AIT的要求,但尚未正式批准,目前仍由國務院外交安全局(State Department's Diplomatic Security Service)和美軍陸戰隊持續協調中。






Washington (CNN)The State Department has requested that US Marines be sent to Taiwan to help safeguard America's de facto embassy there, two US officials tell CNN, prompting China to urge the US to "exercise caution."


One US official said that while the request for a Marine security guard was received several weeks ago, it has not yet been formally approved and coordination about its deployment is ongoing between the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service and the Marines.


If the request is granted, it will be the first time in nearly 40 years that US Marines will be guarding a diplomatic post in Taiwan.


A spokesperson for the State Department would not say whether the request had been made, telling CNN, "We do not discuss specific security matters concerning the protection of our facility or personnel."


When asked about the potential deployment of Marines to Taiwan at a news conference Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said the US should exercise caution.



