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  首頁 > 影音網>9/13 NJ講座-推動台灣建國的現代戰略目標為何?
9/13 NJ講座-推動台灣建國的現代戰略目標為何?


[taiwanus.net]於2018-09-10 04:09:36上傳[]


Dear FAPA members & friends,


Knowing that many politicians and social movement workers from Taiwan are visiting New York city with the UN-for-Taiwan team (聯合國宣達團), the FAPA-NJ took the opportunity to invite two promising young coworkers to host the following Speech & Dinner meeting this Thursday night to talk about -



"The Strategy for Building A New Nation"

Speech & Dinner

Date & Time: This Thursday 9/13, 6:30 pm


Location: 蜀一品/ Chengdu Palace,  100 US-22 (west bound), Green Brook Township, NJ 08812. (732) 752-6888. (Next to Outback restaurant.)

Banquet dinner- $20 per person, pay at arrival. Please RSVP to be counted for attendance by 9/12.


6:30 pm to 7:00 pm    Social

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm    Dinner Starts

7:40 pm to 9:00 pm    Speech



台灣建國的方法論各派不同,同時台灣建國的阻礙壓力卻越來越強,許多人強調台派應該團結,但各家學說的無法團結,往往不是不想團結,而是對於戰略目標不同所致. 本次座談會想透過在台從政的新時代獨派青年,以政治的角度來談台灣建國的戰略目標為何,邀請有興趣了解的朋友前往參加。


Speaker:台北市議員候選人 王奕凱 (無)

介紹:台灣人權文化協會 理事

          台灣聯合國協進會 理事

          喜樂島聯盟 共同發起人

Speaker: 高正朴





Please call Wen Chang at 551-235-2338, or Leo Lee at 201-815-8758 if you have questions.


All are invited to come out to hear the aspiration of our younger generation leaders.


Hope to see you soon,


Leo Lee, Vice President

Wen Chang, President of FAPA-NJ
