The goal of the Taiwan Tech Summit is to build an ecosystem to connect Taiwanese professionals across industries。
Date and time
Saturday, September 14 · 9am - 6pm PDT
Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054
The goal of the Taiwan Tech Summit is to create an ecosystem that connects Taiwanese professionals from various industries, including AI & Data Science, Hardware, Bio-Tech, Cyber Security, Venture Investment, and Startups. We invite influential industry leaders to share their insights and strategies, guiding the next generation of Taiwanese professionals towards a brighter future.
Our summit will host Global Forums, Taiwan Demo Day, Career Fair, and Feature Events highlighting Women in Tech, Entrepreneurship, User Experience, Product Development, and more. We are committed to delivering an immersive experience that will enable effective networking, learning, and collaboration.
The Taiwan Tech Summit will take place on September 14th, 2024, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in California, attracting 3,500 in-person professional attendees and over 200,000 virtual attendees from around the world.
第三屆北美台灣科技年會(Taiwan Tech Summit)於14日(周六)在矽谷聖他克拉拉國際會議中心(Santa Clara Convention Center)舉行。年會聯合超過100個美國產業協會,邀請百餘位行業領導者,以創新論壇、產業趨勢論壇、新創展演「Taiwan Demo Day」 、主題展區Career Expo及產業交流活動,為台灣專業人士提供了解最新科技趨勢、與產業領導者建立聯繫、並合作開展創新專案的機會。據主辦單位稱,活動共吸引線下5000多人次、線上50萬多萬人次參與。
北美台灣科技年會由TaiwanNext Foundation主辦,協辦單位包括台灣資料科學社群(Taiwan Data Science Meetup)、創業小聚(Meet Global)、國立陽明交通⼤學北加州校友會、台灣青年美國職涯發展協會(Career Taiwan USA Association)。