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雙十非國慶、落實台灣國 Build Taiwan Natio


[謝鎮寬]於2024-10-15 03:10:10上傳[]


CH 1

Let's build Taiwan Nation



3/18/2008 Rosemary M Collyer 美國哥倫比亞地方法院法官的判決書:台灣人民本質上是,在過去將近 60 年,沒有國家。




他們決定恢復中華人民共和國的一切權利,承認中華人民共和國政府的代表是中國在聯合國的唯一合法代表,並立即將蔣介石的代表驅逐出他們的所在地。這就是著名的UN R2758。它說只有一個中國,那就是中華人民共和國而不是中華民國。跟台灣沒有關係。

2023年7月25日美國國會通過《台灣團結法案》-澄清2758與台灣無關。 12/13/2023 歐洲議會反對中國扭曲的R2758。
7/30/2024 Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, IPAC 2024對中政策跨國議會聯盟
2024 年 9 月 12 日荷蘭議會通過了關於 UN R2758 的動議
10/5/2024 中華民國是中華人民共和國的祖國

Ten-Ten Not Our National Birthday, Let’s Build a Taiwan Nation!
Yes, Taiwan deserves a national day, but it won’t be on this double tenth day. Last year this time the LY Speaker You Shi-Kun held a celebration of the Taiwan National Day, we told him Taiwan should officially establish a nation to celebration its birthday. 

We all remember in June this year, Jensen Huang, Lisa Su they returned Taiwan to attend the Computex Taipei 2024, and we all proud of having the advance technology of AI in the world. While we google or check with website, Double Tenth Day is the National Day of ROC, but it was gone in 1949. Former President CKS lectured to senior KMT military official on 3/13/1950 at Yang Ming Shan, he said ROC died with the fall of the mainland at the end of 1949. Today we have all become a nation of subjugated people. 

3/18/2008 Rosemary M Collyer US Columbia District Court Judge – Opinion Statement: Taiwan people have essentially persons without a state for almost 60 years

There are a lot of people always confused and commingled the popular sovereignty with the national sovereignty. Today we enjoy the freedom to vote president, and legislator is the popular sovereignty, it is a basic human right. It is not the national sovereignty required by the international community.

That’s why we are still an international orphan excluded by the United Nation. Unfortunately, Taiwan people were brainwashed by KMT so many years to believe that ROC is a sovereign nation. The reality is NOT. ROC died in 1949. The government we elect in Taiwan should be named as the Taiwan Government, not ROC nor ROC Taiwan.

10/25/1971 the United Nations passed a motion; it clearly recognizes that the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China are the only lawful representatives of China to the United Nations and that the People's Republic of China is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council. 
They had decided to restore all its rights to the People's Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and to expel forthwith the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek from the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the organizations related to it. This is the well-known UN R2758. It says there is only one China, that’s PRC not ROC. It has nothing to do with Taiwan.

7/25/2023 US Congress passed the Taiwan Solidarity Act – clarified 2758 not related to Taiwan. 12/13/2023 European Parliament opposed China distorted R2758. 
7/30/2024 Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, IPAC 2024對中政策跨國議會聯盟
9/12/2024 Dutch Parliament passed motion on UN R2758
Taiwan 400 years history: 38 + 21 + 212 + 50 + 79 = 400
10/5/2024 ROC is PRC’s motherland
Ten-Ten is only a Memorial Day, Let’s Build a Taiwan National Day!


    去年是民進黨八年完全執政的最後一年,當時的立法院長游錫堃,也就是所謂的國慶籌備委員會的主委將雙十節的英文翻譯為Taiwan Nation,讓台灣人民歡欣鼓舞卻害得中國國民黨如喪考妣,很遺憾的,今年換上韓國瑜院長後,黨國幽靈重現,TAIWAN NATION就消失了,證明國民黨逢台必反,逢中必軟.

事實上,雙十節是源自於1911年10月10日的大青帝國湖北省武昌起義,與當時仍是日本帝國殖民地的台灣毫無關聯,台灣要有一個專屬台灣人民的國慶日,[台灣國]主張, 雙十非國慶,還我TAIWAN NATION !
    賴清德總統日前在所謂的國慶晚會上的[祖國論]引起國内外媒體的高度關注,讓北京當局啞口無言,更讓中華民國的擁護者鼓掌叫好,但是,[台灣國]卻不以為然,因為, ,在聯合國2758號決議明文[承認中華人民共和國政府的代表是中國在聯合國組織的唯一合法代表……..並立卽把蔣介石的代表…..驅逐出去]的前提下,不論誰是誰的祖國,都會是一個中國框架,這種爭奪代表權的談話,令人憂心.

    「台灣國」理事長陳峻涵表示,現行聯合國憲章第23條及第110條清楚明文,「中華民國」仍存在於聯合國內,只是因為2758號決議文的緣故,使得其代表權由[中華人民共和國]政府取代,也因此才會造成一個中國,兩個政府的政府繼承的法律關係,即使執政當局不斷強調[中華民國]與[中華人民共和國]互不隸屬也是枉然,兩年前[中華民國]與[尼加拉瓜]斷交前夕, [中華民國]將大使館慌張地以一元美金賣給當地教會,以避免被「中華人民共和國」所繼承就是鮮明的例證,賴政府繼續維持[中華民國]的國名只會讓這樣的事件不斷發生.

    日前,民進黨立院黨團擬提案[2758不涉台灣]聲明遭到國.眾抵制,國民黨進而提案以[中華民國重返聯合國]的聲明抗衡,但事實證明,「台灣」只要還披著[中華民國]外衣,就只能結交極少數利之所趨的小國,根本不可能重返聯合國,而更讓人氣結的是,藍綠白三黨在國際間都以CHINESE TAIPEI(中國台北)自稱,變相與北京政府共同落實了一個中國原則,讓台海問題中國內政化.

    此次包括美國,澳洲,荷蘭乃至於IPAC對於2758決議文不涉台灣的表態,正是國際社會力挺台灣的證明,各國政要也公開主張應與台灣建立外交關係,而為了讓更多人了解2758的真相並揭發國.眾亂台陰謀,本土社團特別在10月25日晚上6點,於濟南路上舉辦[2758之夜],呼籲台灣人民踴躍參加.最後, [台灣國]認為,唯有執政黨正式宣布結束[中華民國]國名,正名台灣,大聲說出 [台灣]與[中華人民共和國]互不隸屬,進而以[台灣]之名申請加入聯合國才是釜底抽薪的根本之道 !

聯絡人:「台灣國」理事長陳峻涵 0983-739622
