關於下月可能遭到禁用的流行社群軟體TikTok,川普沒有表明他會如何予以對待,僅說「我們將對TikTok進行考慮」。美國現任總統拜登4月簽署一項法律,要求TikTok的中國母公司把這款App賣給給非中國企業,否則將遭禁用。這項法律在法院獲判成立,並將於1月中生效,但具體如何實施尚不清楚,而川普政府可能會面臨處理後續問題。川普最初在第一任內支持禁令,但後來開始喜歡TikTok。他周一表示,「我在心中有個溫暖的地方給TikTok」。川普稱讚該平台幫助他贏得了選舉,競選團隊將其視為,接觸年青、政治參與度較低的選民橋樑。I have a warm spot in my heart for Tik Tok because I won youth by 34 points and there are those that say that Tik Tok has something to do with that Joe Rogan did and some of the other people.
Everything should be looked at, but I’m a big believer in the polio vaccine, Trump telling reporters that Americans won’t lose it amid concerns his pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., could seek to revoke its approval.
“You’re not going to lose the polio vaccine. It’s not going to happen,” Trump told reporters. His comments about the polio vaccine come as Kennedy heads to Capitol Hill to meet with senators ahead of what could be a contentious confirmation fight. CNN previously reported that a lawyer associated with Kennedy has petitioned the US Food and Drug Administration to revoke approval of the polio vaccine used in the United States.
Lara is unbelievable she was incredible the job she did at the RNC chairman along with Michael Whatley the combination she is so highly respected by women
川普表示,當選後世界各國領導人,都忙著要給我打電話,有些人真的很想會見,他已經與 100 多個國家的代表進行了交談。他說:我正在盡最大努力給每個人回電話,但有很多國家,每個國家都打了電話,而且態度非常好。美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)先前報導稱,川普親自向一些外國領導人發出邀請,包括邀請中國國家主席習近平,參加他的宣誓就職典禮;這是向美國主要地緣政治、競爭對手之一的共產黨領導人,發出的極為罕見的邀請。習近平並未公開表達是否出席,但一個由中國高級官員組成的代表團,預計將代替習近平出席。川普說習如能來當然歡迎,因為你想一想,如果中國和美國聯手,是可以共同解決世界上所有的問題,所以這非常重要。China and the United States can together solve all of the problems of the world if you think about it so it’s very important
I don’t think they should have allowed missiles to be shot 200 miles into Russia. I think that was a bad thing and that brought the Koreans in you North Korea. Another man I get along with very well, I’m the only one that does
【技術高階主管會議 Tech executive meetings】
I have dinner with Tim Cook. I had dinner with sort of almost all of them and the rest are coming and this is one of the big differences I think between the first term. The first term everybody was fighting me. In this term everybody wants to be my friend. I don’t know my personality changed or something.
Tariffs properly used which we will do and being reciprocal with other nations, but it’ll will make our country rich. Our country right now loses to everybody, almost nobody. Do we have a surplus with? There are a couple countries, and they’re embarrassed by it. But almost nobody and tariffs will make it.
【敘利亞動亂Syria / Turkey】
Too many people being killed that is a war that’s too many people got to make a deal. and Putin has to make a deal too. Putin would have never got on in if I was President. If I was President we wouldn’t have to had inflation, our oil price would have been lower. I had a good relationship with Putin he would despite the Russia hoax which made it difficult if we had that election if it were an honorable election we wouldn’t have had any of the problems that we’re talking about right now, would have never.
We have to get on with our lives. We’ll have to see what has happens. Syria has a lot of, you know, there’s a lot of indefinites nobody knows what’s going to happen with Syria. But I think Turkey is going to hold the key to Syriaㄓ actually you’ve heard that from anybody else, but I’ve been good at predicting. I want to thank you all and we’re going to make America great again.
2024年12月18日美國國務卿布林肯Antony Blinken,接受媒體訪問時特別提到台灣,並稱世界已經表態「台灣是我們的事情」(Taiwan, it is our business)。他說:「每次和中方會談只要一提到台灣,他們就說不必提了,這不關別人的事,是我們自己的事,而我們能做到的是,讓幾乎全世界的人都認清一個事實,那就是基本上,台灣、這是每個人的事。」12月19日中國外交部發言人林劍宣稱「台灣問題純屬中國內政,不容外部干涉」,他批評美方在台灣問題上干涉中國內政,並稱美方應恪守一個中國原則、和中美三個聯合公報的規定,停止縱容台獨勢力。問題是,中國根本就沒有辦法提出,任何合理法律文件來證明,它擁有台灣的領土主權。台灣人民既不向他繳稅,中國也壓根不曾統治過台灣,憑啥說台灣是他的?真是癡人說夢、愛說笑,簡直就是天方夜譚、胡說八道。