A recap of today’s events
Our live page will soon come to a close. Here’s a summary of all the events that happened on Monday, the first day of Donald Trump’s second term as president.
In the final hours of his presidency, Democrat Joe Biden issued a series of “preemptive pardons” for those he feared would come under attack during a Trump presidency. They include Biden’s brothers, immunologist Anthony Fauci, General Mark Milley and the members of the House Select Committee on the January 6 attack, including former Congress member Liz Cheney. Faced with an Arctic blast outdoors, Trump held his inauguration ceremony inside the Capitol Rotunda, surrounded by dignitaries and family. Trump’s inauguration was the first to invite foreign leaders to participate, and many far-right politicians were in attendance, including Argentina’s Javier Milei and Italy’s Giorgia Meloni. In his inaugural address, Trump denounced the “radical and corrupt establishment” of his predecessor, as well as the alleged “weaponisation” of the justice system. He also advanced a vision of the future that called for the expansion of US territory, including by “taking” the Panama Canal “back” from Panama. The Republican leader also announced he would declare a state of emergency at the southern border with Mexico and declare drug-trafficking cartels “terrorists” in order to expel them from the country. Trump also withdrew the US for a second time from the Paris Agreement, a landmark international treaty designed to combat climate change. Later, at a rally for supporters at the Capital One Arena, Trump signed a series of executive orders freezing government hiring and halting the addition of federal regulations, among other things. ===================================== 台灣外交部為何還重金聘請背叛川普的彭斯來台灣?川普為何不用蓬佩奧、彭斯?台灣為何不敢全面禁止中共國來的TIK tok侵略的媒體? 蓬佩奧、彭斯除了對川普疑不忠誠以外,蓬佩奧曾在2022年3月後訪問台灣時違反美國的一台一中政策,上上一次他來訪問台灣的時候,要離開台灣前最後一次在凱悅飯店演講的時候,特別強調支持中華民國(非台灣)政權,當天同時拒絕各媒體記者的發問,顯然向華獨蔣政權妥協,違反美國台灣關係法的一個台灣、一個中國的一台一中政策,當時令正港台灣人非常失望,難怪有人說他訪台接受了華獨蔣政權的好處,其來有自!另外張國成教授說台灣的外交部長還重金聘請彭斯來台灣?他說應該打屁股沒錯!因為他是蔡英文指定的外交部長? 新聞: 1、https://www.youtube.com/live/OoW9HenU4Mw?si=gr6PU5136YW-jav4 1-1:美媒:美國前副總統彭斯訪台表支持 擬拜會賴總統 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/202501170014.aspx 1-2:川普宣布將蓬佩奧和黑利等排除在新內閣之外 2024年11月10日新聞 美國候任總統川普已經排除了前國務卿邁克‧蓬佩奧 https://youtu.be/oCWyUlJrNL8?si=RalJPnO-caJsKD22 2、川普為什麼不能用蓬佩奧,除了有不忠誠之嫌以外,還有什麼原因? https://www.youtube.com/live/3nG00LMMXJs?si=vcXEI6jzkP-IYJW_ 3、台灣中央社:美國應承認中華民國台灣是一個獨立主權國家? https://search.app?link=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cna.com.tw%2Fnews%2Faipl%2F202203045003.aspx&utm_campaign=aga&utm_source=agsadl2%2Csh%2Fx%2Fgs%2Fm2%2F4 4、、蓬佩奧在台灣凱悅飯店演講,美國應承認中(華冥)國台灣是一個主權獨立的國家? https://search.app?link=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ettoday.net%2Fnews%2F20220304%2F2201042.htm&utm_campaign=aga&utm_source=agsadl2%2Csh%2Fx%2Fgs%2Fm2%2F4 |