川普就職歷史新誌 Trump’s New Era
2025年1月20日是美國第47屆總統,川普宣誓就職的日子。他與家人一早離開布萊爾賓館Blair House,前往聖約翰聖公會教堂St. John's Episcopal Church做禮拜然後,與第一夫人梅蘭妮 亞Melania Trump前往白宮,與拜登Joe Biden及夫人吉爾Jill Biden喝早茶,這象徵國家政權和平交接的時刻;賀錦麗Kamala Haris與夫婿任德龍Douglas Craig Emhoff,也同時在白宮歡迎范斯James David Vance及夫人烏沙Usha Chilukuri Vance。接著兩位前後任總統,搭上同一台車,前往國會山莊進行總統就職典禮。他們一行於上午11時40分進到會場,因為天候關係這次典禮移師到,國會山莊內可容納600個座位的圓形大廳Capitol Rotunda舉行。
美東時間下午12點01分,在天主教紐約總教區、總主教多蘭Timothy Cardinal Dolan,和牧師葛萊姆Franklin Graham完成祈禱之後,川普與范斯分別在大法官羅伯茲John Glover Roberts的監誓下,宣誓就職為美國第47任總統與第50任副總統。
川普的就職演講,他說:美國的黃金時代即將開始。從今天起,我們的國家將再次繁榮昌盛,受到全世界的尊重,我們將成為每個國家羨慕的對象,我們不會再讓自己在川普政府執政的每一天被人利用,我將致力於美國優先。我們的主權將重新伸張,我們的安全將得到恢復,司法的天平將重新平衡,司法部門和我們的政府,將不再使用暴力和不公平的武器。我們的首要任務是,創造一個自豪、繁榮和自由的國家。 The Golden Age of America begins right now. From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world. We will be the envy of every nation, and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer. During every single day of the Trump administration, I will very simply put America first. Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our safety will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced. The vicious, violent and unfair weaponization of the Justice Department and our government will end. And our top priority will be to create a nation that is proud, prosperous and free.
美國很快就會變得,比以往更加偉大、更加強大、更加卓越。我滿懷信心和樂觀地,重返總統寶座,因為我們正處於一個激動人心的國家;成功新時代的開始,變革的浪潮正在席捲全國,陽光普照整個世界,美國有機會抓住這個機會,就像從來沒有。但首先,我們必須誠實面對我們面臨的挑戰。儘管他們人數眾多,但他們將被世界目前在美國見證的這一巨大勢頭所消滅。 America will soon be greater, stronger, and far more exceptional than ever before. I return to the presidency confident and optimistic that we are at the start of a thrilling new era of national success, a tide of change is sweeping the country, sunlight is pouring over the entire world, and America has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before. But first, we must be honest about the challenges we face. While they are plentiful, they will be annihilated by this great momentum that the world is now witnessing in the United States of America.
當我們今天聚集在一起時,我們的政府正面臨信任危機。多年來,激進而腐敗的當權者,從我們的公民手中奪取了權力和財富,而我們社會的支柱卻支離破碎,似乎完全失修了。我們現在的政府連國內一個簡單的危機都無法處理,同時,國外卻接連遭遇一連串的災難性事件。它未能保護我們偉大、守法的美國公民,卻為危險的罪犯提供庇護和保護,其中許多罪犯來自監獄和精神病院,是從世界各地非法進入我國的。 As we gather today, our government confronts a crisis of trust. For many years, a radical and corrupt establishment has extracted power and wealth from our citizens, while the pillars of our society lay broken and seemingly in complete disrepair. We now have a government that cannot manage even a simple crisis at home, while at the same time stumbling into a continuing catalog of catastrophic events abroad. It fails to protect our magnificent, law-abiding American citizens, but provide sanctuary and protection for dangerous criminals, many from prisons and mental institutions that have illegally entered our country from all over the world.
我們的政府為保衛外國邊界提供了無限的資金,但卻拒絕保衛美國邊界,更重要的是,拒絕保衛自己的人民。我們的國家已無法在緊急情況下提供基本服務,正如最近北卡羅來納州的優秀人民,所遭受的如此惡劣的對待所表明的那樣。其他州仍遭受數月前發生的颶風的侵襲。 We have a government that has given unlimited funding to the defense of foreign borders, but refuses to defend American borders or more importantly, its own people. Our country can no longer deliver basic services in times of emergency, as recently shown by the wonderful people of North Carolina, been treated so badly. And other states who are still suffering from a hurricane that took place many months ago.
或者最近在洛杉磯,我們看到幾週前發生的火災仍在悲慘地燃燒,甚至沒有採取任何防禦措施。它們肆虐於家庭和社區,甚至影響到我們國家一些最富有和最有權勢的人,其中一些現在就坐在這裡。他們已經沒有家了。這很有趣,但我們不能讓這種事情發生。每個人都無能為力。但這種情況將會改變。 Or more recently in Los Angeles, where we are watching fires still tragically burn from weeks ago without even a token of defense. They’re raging through the houses and communities, even affecting some of the wealthiest and most powerful individuals in our country, some of whom are sitting here right now. They don’t have a home any longer. That’s interesting, but we can’t let this happen. Everyone is unable to do anything about it. That’s going to change.
我們的公共衛生系統,在災難時刻未能發揮作用,但我們在這個系統上的花費,比世界上任何國家都多。我們的教育制度教導我們的孩子,為自己感到羞恥,在許多情況下,儘管我們拼命地向他們提供愛,但他們卻憎恨我們的國家。所有這一切都將從今天開始改變,而且會改變得非常快。我最近的選舉是為了徹底扭轉可怕的背叛,以及已經發生的所有背叛,並讓人民重新擁有信仰、財富、民主,甚至是自由。從這一刻起,美國的衰落就已經結束了。 We have a public health system that does not deliver in times of disaster, yet more money is spent on it than any country anywhere in the world. And we have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves, in many cases to hate our country despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them. All of this will change starting today, and it will change very quickly. My recent election has a mandate to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal, and all of these many betrayals that have taken place, and to give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy, and indeed, their freedom. From this moment on America's decline is over.
今天我將簽署一系列具有歷史意義的行政命令,透過這些行動,我們將開始美國的全面復興和常識革命,這都是一般常識。首先,我將宣布南部邊境進入國家緊急狀態。所有非法入境將立即停止,我們將開始將數以百萬計的外國罪犯,遣返回他們來自的地方,我們將恢復我在墨西哥的留置權。我將終止抓捕和釋放,我將派遣軍隊前往南部邊境,擊退對我們國家的災難性入侵。根據我今天簽署的命令,我們還將指定這些卡特爾組織,為外國恐怖組織。 Today I will sign a series of historic executive orders, with these actions we will begin the complete restoration of America, and the revolution of common sense. It's all about common sense. First, I will declare a national emergency at our Southern border. All illegal entry will immediately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came. We will reinstate my remain in Mexico policy. I will end the practice of Catch and Release, and I will send troops to the southern border to repel the disastrous invasion of our country. Under the orders I signed today we will also be designating the cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
我將引用1798年的《外國敵人法》,指示政府充分運用聯邦和州執法部門的巨大力量,消滅所有外國幫派和犯罪網絡,這些幫派和犯罪網絡給我們的國土,包括我們的城市和內城區,帶來了毀滅性的犯罪。身為總司令,我最大的責任就是要,保衛我們的國家免受威脅和入侵,這正是我要做的,我們將以前所未有的水平做到這一點,下一步我將指示我的內閣所有成員,調動廣大的力量,來打敗創紀錄的通貨膨脹,並迅速降低成本和價格。 By invoking the alien enemies Act of 1798, I will direct our government to use the full and immense power of federal and state law enforcement to eliminate the presence of all foreign gangs and criminal networks bringing devastating crime to us soil including our cities and inner cities. As commander-in-chief I have no higher responsibility than to defend our country from threats and invasions. And that is exactly what I am going to do we will do it at a level that nobody's ever seen before next I will direct all members of my cabinet to Marshall the vast Powers at their disposal to defeat what was record inflation and rapidly bring down costs and prices.
我們將進行鑽探,美國將再次成為一個製造業國家,我們擁有其他製造業國家所沒有的東西,我們擁有地球上任何國家中最多的石油和天然氣,我們將利用它,讓我使用我們將降低價格,再次補充我們的戰略儲備,並將美國能源出口到世界各地。我們將再次成為一個富裕的國家,我們腳下的液態黃金將幫助我們實現這一目標,今天我將採取行動,結束綠色新政,撤銷電動車強制令,保持我的神聖向我們偉大的美國汽車承諾。 We will drill baby drill. America will be a manufacturing Nation once again, and we have something that no other manufacturing Nation will ever have the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on earth. And we are going to use it let me use it. We will bring prices down, fill our strategic reserves up again right to the top, and Export American Energy all over the world. We will be a rich Nation again and it is that Liquid Gold under our feet that will help to do it. With my actions today, we will end the green New Deal, and we will revoke the electric vehicle mandate. Say our Auto industry and keeping my sacred pledge to our Great American Auto
我們建立了對外稅收服務機構,來徵收所有關稅和稅收,大量資金將來自國外,湧入我們的國庫,美國夢將很快回歸,並以前所未有的方式蓬勃發展,以恢復我們的能力和效率。對於我們的聯邦政府,我的政府將建立一個全新的政府部門。多年來聯邦政府非法違憲地,限制言論自由,我將簽署行政命令,立即停止所有政府審查制度,恢復言論自由。美國再也不會利用國家的巨大權力來迫害政治對手,我知道我們不會允許這種事情發生,在我的領導下,這種事情不會再發生了,我們將在憲法的統治下恢復公平、平等和公正的司法。法律,我們將把法律和秩序帶回我們的城市。 We are establishing the external Revenue Service to collect all tariffs duties and revenues, it will be massive amounts of money pouring into our treasury coming from foreign sources, the American dream will soon be back and thriving like never before to restore our competence and Effectiveness to our federal government. My Administration will establish the brand-new Department of Government Efficiency. After years and years of illegal and unconstitutional Federal efforts to restrict free expression, I will also sign an executive order to immediately stop all government censorship and bring back Free Speech to America. Never again will the immense power of the state be weaponized to persecute political opponents something I know something about we will not allow that to happen it will not happen again under my leadership. We will restore Fair equal and impartial justice under the Constitutional rule of law, and we are going to bring Law and Order back to our cities.
從今天起,美國政府的官方政策是,世界上只有兩種性別:男性和女性。本週,我將恢復所有因反對新冠疫苗強制令,而被不公正開除出軍隊的軍人,並給予全力支持。我會簽署命令,阻止我們的戰士在執勤期間,遭受激進的政治理論和社會實驗的迫害,這將結束。我們的武裝部隊,將立即專注於他們唯一的使命,擊敗美國的敵人。就像在2017年,我們將再次打造世界史上,最強大的軍隊,我們衡量成功的標準,不只是我們打贏的戰役,還包括我們結束的戰爭,也許最重要的是,我們從未捲入的戰爭。 As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government, that there are only two genders male and female. This week I will reinstate any service members who were unjustly expelled from our military for objecting to the covid vaccine mandate with full back pay, and I will sign an order to stop our Warriors from being subjected to radical political theories and social experiments, while on duty it's going to end immediately our Armed Forces will be free to focus on their sole Mission defeating America's enemies. Like in 2017 we will again build the strongest military of the world has ever seen we will measure our success not only by the battles we win but also by the wars that we end and perhaps most importantly the wars we never get into.
不久之後,我們將把墨西哥灣的名字改為美國灣。我們將把偉大的威廉·麥金萊總統的名字,恢復到麥金利山應有的位置。麥金萊總統透過關稅和天賦,使我們的國家變得非常富裕,他是一個天生的商人,並給了泰迪·羅斯福很多錢,讓他做了許多偉大的事情,包括巴拿馬運河,這條運河愚蠢地在美國之後被交給了巴拿馬國家。而受到了非常惡劣的對待,巴拿馬對我們的承諾已經違反了我們協議的目的,完全違背了條約的精神,美國船隻被嚴重超額收費,沒有得到任何形式的公平對待,其中包括美國海軍,最重要的是中國正在運作巴拿馬運河,我們沒有把它交給中國,而是交給了巴拿馬,我們會把它拿回來。 A short time from now we are going to be changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America; and we will restore the name of a great President William McKinley to Mount McKinley where it should be and where it belongs. President McKinley made our country very rich through tariffs and through talent. He was a natural businessman and gave Teddy Roosevelt the money for many of the great things he did including the Panama Canal which has foolishly been given to the country of Panama, after the United States the United States I me think of this spent more money than ever spent on a project before and lost 38,000 lives in the building of the Panama Canal. We have been treated very badly from this foolish gift that should have never been made and Panama's promise to us has been broken. The purpose of our deal and the spirit of our treaty has been totally violated. American ships are being severely overcharged and not treated fairly in any way shape or form and that includes the United States Navy and above all, China is operating the Panama Canal, and we didn't give it to China, we gave it to Panama and we're taking it back.
今天我要告訴美國人,現在是我們再次以勇氣、活力和歷史上最偉大文明活力行動的時候了,這樣,當我們解放我們的國家時,我們將帶領它走向勝利和成功的新高度,我們不會被嚇倒,我們將共同終結慢性病流行,保證我們的孩子安全、健康和遠離疾病。建造我們的城市、提高我們的期望、將我們的星條旗帶到火星雄心是一個偉大國家的生命線,現在我們的國家比任何其他國家都更具雄心,沒有哪個國家像我們國家一樣,美國人是探險家、建設者、創新者、企業家和先驅者,邊疆精神銘刻在我們心中。 Above all my message to Americans today is that it is time for us to once again act with courage Vigor and the Vitality of History's Greatest civilization. So, as we liberate our nation, we will lead it to new heights of Victory and success. We will not be deterred together; we will end the chronic disease epidemic virus and keep our children safe healthy and disease free. The United States will once again consider itself a growing Nation one that increases our wealth, expands our territory, builds our cities, raises our expectations and carries our flag into new and beautiful Horizons. And we will pursue our Manifest Destiny into the Stars launching American astronauts to plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars ambition is the lifeblood of a great nation and right now our nation is more ambitious than any other there's no Nation like our nation Americans are explorers Builders innovators entrepreneurs and Pioneers the spirit of the frontier is written into our hearts.
下一個偉大冒險的呼喚,在我們靈魂深處迴盪,我們的美國祖先,把一塊廣闊大陸邊緣的一小群殖民地,變成了一個強大的共和國,擁有世界上最傑出的公民,沒有人能堪比美國人,他們穿越數千英里,崎嶇的荒野,他們穿越沙漠,翻越高山,勇敢面對未知的危險,征服了狂野的西部,結束了奴隸制,拯救了數百萬人脫離了暴政,使數十億人擺脫了貧困,利用了電力,分裂了原子,把人類送上了天堂,把人類知識的宇宙放在了人類的手中如果我們共同努力,就沒有我們做不到的事,沒有我們無法實現的夢想。 很多人認為我不可能實現,如此歷史性的政治復出,但正如你們今天在這裡看到的,我是美國人民的代言人。 The call of the next great adventure resounds from within our souls, our American ancestors turned a small group of colonies on the edge of a vast continent, into a mighty Republic of the most extraordinary citizens on Earth, no one comes close Americans push thousands of miles through a rugged land of Untamed Wilderness. They crossed deserts scaled mountains, braved untold dangers, won the wild west ended slavery, rescued Millions from tyranny, lifted billions from poverty harnessed electricity split the atom launched mankind into the heavens and put the Universe of human knowledge into the palm of the human hand. If we work together, there is nothing we cannot do, and no dream we cannot achieve. Many people thought it was impossible for me to stage such a historic political comeback, but as you see today here I am. the American people have spoken.
我們正站在美國歷史上最偉大的四年的邊緣,在你們的幫助下,我們將恢復美國的承諾,我們將重建我們熱愛的國家,我們熱愛它,我們是一個民族,一個家庭,一個在上帝之下的光榮國家。所以對於每一個為孩子夢想的父母,和每一個為未來夢想的孩子,我與你們同在,我將為你們而戰,我將為你們而贏,我們將取得前所未有的勝利。 we stand on the verge of the four greatest years in American history with your help we will restore America promise and we will rebuild the nation that we love and we love it so much we are one people one family and one glorious nation under God so to every parent who dreams for their child and every child who dreams for their future I am with you I will fight for you and I will win for you we're going to win like never before.
感謝、感謝、再感謝!近年來我們的國家遭受了巨大的苦難,但我們會恢復它的榮光,讓它再次偉大,比以往任何時候都更偉大。我們將成為一個獨一無二的國家,兄弟充滿同情心勇氣和卓越主義。我們的力量將阻止所有戰爭,為這個充滿憤怒、暴力和完全不可預測的世界,帶來新的團結精神。前所未有的勝利,我們不會被征服,不會被嚇倒,不會被打敗,也不會失敗,從今天起,美利堅合眾國將是一個自由、主權和獨立的國家,我們將勇敢地站起來,我們將自豪地生活。感謝、感謝、天佑美國!謝謝您們!感謝、感謝、再感謝! Thank you, thank you, thank you! In recent years our nation has suffered greatly, but we are going to bring it back, and make it great again, greater than ever before. We will be a nation like no brother full of compassion courage, and exceptionalism our power, will stop all wars, and bring a new spirit of unity to a world, that has been angry violent and totally unpredictable. America will be respected again and admired again, including by people of religion faith, and good will. We will be prosperous, we will be proud, we will be strong, and we will win like never before. We will not be conquered, we will not be intimidated, we will not be broken, and we will not fail from this day on the United States of America will be a free Sovereign and independent nation. We will stand bravely, we will live proudly, we will dream boldly, and nothing will stand in our way, because we are Americans. The future is ours and our golden age has just begun. Thank, thank you! God Bless America! thank you all! thank you, thank you very much, thank you very much!
川普上任第一天就頒布了數十條行政命令Executive Actions and Orders,充分具體地展現了他在四年任期內,所要執行的國家政策。它包括: 1. Pardon 1/6/2021riot 赦免在2021年1月6日進到國會抗議選舉不公而被逮捕、判刑的國民。 2. Resume construction of the border wall宣布恢復修築邊牆 3. Temporarily suspend refugee resettlement from certain countries for at least 4 months 停接難民 4. End so-call catch and release 結束所謂的抓捕釋放 5. Restart the Remain in Mexico policy of his first term 重啟第一任期內的「留在墨西哥」政策 6. Restrict asylum using 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act 限制庇護 7. Designate drug cartels and gangs as foreign terrorist organizations販毒集團是同外國恐怖組織 8. Seek capital punishment for the murder of law enforcement and capital crimes committed by undocumented immigrants 指示非法移民飯謀殺者判死刑 9. Issue a memorandum to bring down inflation 降低通膨、降低住房成本並增加住房供應。 10. End electric vehicle mandate 宣布撤銷電動車補助 11. End leasing massive wind farms 宣布撤銷大量租用風電 12. End radical and wasteful diversity training program 終結種族任用條款 13. Freeze hiring except in essential areas, End DEI 終結DEI 14. Freeze the issuing of new regulation 凍結簽發新規定 15. Direct agencies to address the cost of living crisis 16. Restore the freedom of speech 回覆言論自由 17. Create the Department of Gov Efficiency DOGE成立政府效率部門,砍公部門的米蟲肥貓 18. Reinstate military members who were penalized for not vaccinated against COVID撤銷疫情逞罰 16. Restore the freedom of speech 回覆言論自由 17. Create the Department of Gov Efficiency DOGE成立政府效率部門,砍公部門的米蟲肥貓 18. Reinstate military members who were penalized for not vaccinated against COVID撤銷疫情逞罰 20. Suspend US foreign assistance programs for 90 days 凍結外國援助90天 21. Rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America 改名墨西哥灣為美國灣 22. Remove the US from WHO 退出世界衛生組 23. Withdraw from Paris Climate Accord 退出巴黎氣候協議 24. Reinstate the death penalty. 恢復死刑 25. Baby Drill. 開發美國蘊藏石油資源,包含阿拉斯加 26. Two genders: Male and Female 宣布美國只有兩種性別,男性和女性 27. Take back Panama Canal 取回巴拿馬運河 28. Consider imposing a 25% tariff on Canada and Mexico 考慮對加拿大和墨西哥課25%關稅 29. Declare a state of emergency on the southern border 宣布南方邊境緊急狀態 30. Cancel home and remote work for federal civil servants 聯邦公務員即刻回辦公室上班 31. Declare specific gangs as terrorist organizations 宣布特定黑幫為恐怖組織並全力打擊 32. Hold accountable government officials who interfered in the 2020 election. 追究介選的政府官員 33. Consider imposing a 25% tariff on Canada and Mexico二月一日對加拿大和墨西哥課25%關稅 34. Announced the cancellation of electric vehicle subsidies. 宣布撤銷電動車補助 35. Abolish the American territorial system取消美國屬地主義,非美國籍在美國出生也非美國人
林林種種五花八門的行政命令、有人喝采有人反彈;取消出生公民權遭到巨大反撲,一夜之間已有多州準備提起訴訟,與行政部門抗爭對薄公堂。白宮回應說,已經準備好屆時法庭見囉。 川普雖然是商人從政,但他謀國之深確實令人敬佩。反觀拜登,號稱是一生從政的職業政治人物,卻在川普上任結束後,還一路追殺窮追不捨地,要治川普於死地。而川普於就職當天,在目送拜登搭機告老還鄉後,即刻投入橢圓形辦公室,去處理堆積如山的國務,及掌握瞬息萬變的國際動態;孰優孰劣、高下立判。川普確實是位、當代難得頂尖政治人物。
這次川普就職典禮,各國都派出重量級政治人物到場祝賀。俄國總統普廷,雖然沒有到場,卻於當天美東時間上午10:08am EST,致電川普表示道賀。中國國家主席習近平,也於1月17日致電川普,表示祝賀。中國當天是由國家副主席韓正、代表出席祝賀;他的座位被安排,在國會大廈圓頂大廳Capitol Rotunda內,於媒體大亨梅鐸後面。台灣的祝賀團則是由,立法院院長韓國瑜領銜出席;他與台灣駐美代表俞大㵢,被安排在國會大廈遊客中心Capitol Visitor Center的解放廳Emancipation Hall觀禮。當天華府天氣雖然寒冷,但賀客們的熱情卻是澎湃洶湧,川普的行情真是炙手可熱。
川普於2025年1月17日,在社交媒體平台「真相社交」(Truth Social)上,提到他與習近平通話,他說「我剛與中國習近平主席通話。這通電話對中國和美國來說都是非常好的。我預期我們將一起解決許多問題,並且立即開始。我們討論了貿易平衡、芬太尼、TikTok 以及其他許多議題。習近平主席和我,將竭盡全力使世界更加和平與安全!It’s friendly and productive. It is my expectation that we will solve many problems together and starting immediately. We discussed balancing Trade, Fentanyl, TikTok, and many other subjects. President Xi and I will do everything possible to make the World more peaceful and safer.
謝鎮寬 加州、海沃 金山紀元 謝鎮寬:川普就職歷史新誌(上) Trump’s New Era 謝鎮寬:川普就職歷史新誌(中) Trump’s New Era 謝鎮寬:川普就職歷史新誌(下) Trump’s New Era