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  首頁 > 影音網>2025北加台灣同鄉新春年會:沈伯洋演講


[謝鎮寬]於2025-01-31 12:01:01上傳[]


CH 1

2025 Annual Lunar New Year Luncheon & Keynote: 

Legislator Puma Shen 
沈伯洋 第11屆立法委員


開 幕 舞 獅
貴 賓 致 詞
政 要 賀 電
中 午 餐 敘
專 題 演 講
認 知 作 戰


Puma Shen Associate Professor, National Taipei University and Chairman, Doublethink Lab

Dr. Puma Shen is an Associate Professor at National Taipei University, specializing in research on white collar crime, information operations, and penology. With a background in law and human rights advocacy, Shen has a strong passion for issues related to social justice and human rights. In addition to academic work, Shen serves as the Chairperson of Doublethink Lab and the Founder of Kuma Academy. Shen is also a Vice President of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights. Through research and advocacy, Shen strives to contribute to the creation of a more just and equitable society for the Taiwanese.

Shen is a Taiwanese scholar, lawyer, and educator, affiliated with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as a political figure. His areas of focus include human rights, criminal policy, youth issues, and information warfare. His remarks will be delivered in Taiwanese (Taigi) and Mandarin.
English Breakout Program: Authors Ellie Yang

Camp and Jocelyn Chung 鍾尚潔
Camp is an artist and Asian American community educator from the San Francisco Bay Area. The proud daughter of Taiwanese immigrants, she has been a high-school history teacher, a full-time parent, a calligrapher, an anti-racist educator, and now an author. Her first book, "Louder Than the Lies: Asian American Identity, Solidarity, and Self-Love," unpacks the racial experiences of Asian Americans under white supremacy.

Chung is a Taiwanese American designer & author who loves exploring the intersection of thoughtful storytelling and communicative design. Her debut picture book, "When Love is More than Words," is a beautiful story about a family who shows their love in a multitude of ways.

Children's Program: Bilingual Storytime with the East Bay Taiwanese Association
Signed copies of Camp's and Chung's books will be available for purchase on site; please indicate interest when registering!
